Team registration – Team Martìn 10zerouno

UNIQUE METHOD for the payment of company registration: BANK TRANSFER

Beneficiary: Team Martìn 10zerouno ASD
Bank Intesa Sanpaolo IBAN: IT42B0335901600100000017524
Report in the causal reserved space: Registration Team Martìn 10zerouno – <<first name>> e <<last name>>
Price: 30 € 

Remember to send the competitive medical certificate to the word ATLETICA LEGGERA and SKYRUNNING to the following address

Registration provide:
– card CSEN Ente Promozione Sportiva*
– t-shirt TEAM Martìn 10zerouno

Those who wish to register with FISKY are kindly requested to report it to: This membership will have an additional cost.

*With this card all members can request the RUNCARD “RISERVATA AI TESSERATI DEGLI ENTI DI PROMOZIONE SPORTIVA PER LA DISCIPLINA ATLETICA LEGGERA” at the following address, at a cost of 15 EURO. RUNCARD EPS authorizes you to participate in road racing competitions. The RUNCARD EPS is valid for 12 months from the time of issue